Çerez Örnek

Graduate Profile


Our graduates are expected to be;

  • Who loves and adopt his occupation,
  • Who has sense of duty,
  • Who is self-confident, self-esteemed, autonomous,
  • Who is highly motivated,
  • Who can take risks,
  • Who is aware of his legal and personal rights,  
  • Who is aware of his own feelings, thoughts and behaviors, who can empathize,
  • Who will serve to the holistic approach,
  • Who can meet the health needs of the community,
  • Who has problem solving skills,
  • A model that will respond to educate the creative, entrepreneurial, leading graduates who can solve the problems encountered in the field of application easily after graduation,
  • Who is responsive and collaborator,
  • Who has the defensive role of the community,
  • Who is willing to participate in public health policies,
  • Who can educate his colleagues,
  • Who can think scientifically,
  • Who knows life-long learning and teaching, can reflect on behaviors,
  • Who is tolerant,
  • Who has adopted cultural values,
  • Who can show democratic attitudes,
  • Who is open to new ideas,
  • Who can express himself verbally and in writing.

Ege Üniversitesi